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Glauber Palestinian philosopher, was born near the Gaza Strip on 1922. He died in Brazil on 1955, in the Amazon forest, by monkeys ninjas.


Sayashi's Riho's Riho's Recipe Red Fruits BeRRy

The future of Morning Musume will be very complicated. All the girls of the past are aging fast. Yesterday was Rika Ishikawa's ​​birthday, Mari Yaguchi birthday is today, time passes very fast, Aya Ishiguro will soon be a grandmother.
The Golden Age will never return again, the Golden Dream is over.
Morning Musume's Golden Age (11 Reina, Chun Li, Qian Lin) (12 Aika) (13 Sayumi) (14 Takahashi) (15 Koharu) (24 Eri 1988 Risa 20) not fit in sequence.

Reina will become a rockgirl headbanger or twin ponytailbanger in lineage Ozzyane or another.

Sayumi also aging very fast, already with a few wrinkles. She eats a lot of pig, pig meat accelerates the aging. The future of Momusu is really sad. My wife Haruka will have to dedicate to our children.
Tsunku 'll abandon Morning Musume and engage in other projects that were shelved.
All responsibility will be on hand of one person, the future leader of Morning Musume, Sayashi Riho. Prepare Sayashi responsibility will be very large.

But let's forget the problems, and we prove your delicious Sayashi's Riho's Riho's Recipe Red Fruits BeRRy

1 tray of raspberries
1 tray of red or black currants
1 tray of blackberries
1 tray of blueberries
200g Strawberries
1 tablespoon gelatin
200ml double cream
200g sugar
4 eggs
Wash the berries and fruit and simmer with 100g of sugar for 10 minutes.
When fruit is cooked, blend and pass through a fine strainer to remove seeds. Add the gelatin and set aside.
Meanwhile, beat the Egg yolks with remaining sugar and beat the whites until stiff. Reserve.
Whip the cream and slowly blend the fruit puree with the yolks, the stiff Egg whites, and whipped cream.
Pour the mixture into containers and leave in the fridge for a few hours until the mousse is stable.
You can add a whole red fruit or berry to decorate.

ヾ(;゚(OO)゚)ノ Aya I tasted this delicious #BeRRyRedFruitRihoRiho Mousse, YYumiii........
Red-Riho-Riho-Rules (りほりほ?) Surely Aya Ishiguro also would approve!!

Riho Sayashi naturally leader, because all leaders, are Reds.

Flashman                                                                       Bioman

                                              SAint Seiya

Will soon be the Sweet Cheese recipe of Pablo and Sayashi. Bye, bye...

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